Today was our first official college visit, and we took 10 students to tour the Everet Community College Campus. It was an awesome experience. Many of them had never seen a college campus before, and the look on their faces was priceless - especially when they got to see Whitehorse Hall - the art building. A lot of my students are very interested in art, and it was an overwhelming experience for them. However the highlight of the tour (especially for me), was the guest speaker. He was the director of international education at EvCC and he gave us his personal testimony of how he literally came from having almost nothing to where he is today. A lot of hardwork and perseverance. I think the reaity that college really is an option for those who can't afford it really began to sink in for my students. It was such a joy to hear them making plans for when they would one day attend EvCC. However this is not our last college visit, so something tells me this is not the last time I'll hear those words!

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